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COSMIC COSMIC à la résidence PHI Nord 2023-2024
Dans cette vidéo, les artistes du collectif Cosmic Cosmic reviennent sur leur passage à la résidence PHI Nord et livrent une performance électronique vibrante, dansante et empreinte d’une atmosphère onirique. Découvrez l’énergie envoûtante et singulière de ces artistes.
Artiste en résidence
Cosmic Cosmic
[Moon Apple & Piu]
« Jupiter »
Écrite par Piu et Moon Apple
Interprétée par Moon Apple et Piu
Synthétiseurs analogiques
Piu and Moon Apple
Moon Apple
Synthétiseur Modulaire
Moon Apple
Переглядів: 80


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Trailer | Sex, Desire and Data
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SLIBER à la résidence PHI Nord - 2023-24
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SHAH FRANK à la résidence PHI Nord 2023-2024
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  • @colourlightsoundmotion
    @colourlightsoundmotion 12 годин тому

    Is that Mister Creosote? 😉 wink wink

  • @yoda1252
    @yoda1252 День тому

    Quel est la moral de ce film ?

  • @AtomicPunk23
    @AtomicPunk23 День тому

    I'm assuming the underlying message is the insanity of living a life of careless luxury while the world disintegrates. This feels like a metaphor for humanity on Earth.

  • @AndrewLoukidis-jr2bp
    @AndrewLoukidis-jr2bp 4 дні тому

    Demented, like a Monty Python skit. The wealthy keep consuming while the world crumbles.

    @BRUNOAZIZ 6 днів тому

    best than Dune

  • @spyforcekid
    @spyforcekid 7 днів тому

    The vanity of excess

  • @taofeeqazeez6931
    @taofeeqazeez6931 9 днів тому

    The elites, destroying their future, thinking they're enjoying the present

  • @diegeticfridge9167
    @diegeticfridge9167 12 днів тому

    Me and the boys out back behind planned parenthood 2:10

  • @RichieD_21
    @RichieD_21 13 днів тому

    This reminds me of that russian cartoon with the pigs and cats

  • @eavega7458
    @eavega7458 17 днів тому

    Wonderfull ❤

  • @ilikeithardcoretv3367
    @ilikeithardcoretv3367 17 днів тому

    sent their glutinous asses straight to hell

  • @FinalGateway
    @FinalGateway 19 днів тому

    🫴🏾 it’s the “Kennedies” @7:28 🤣…

  • @btpips
    @btpips 23 дні тому

    This is the most obnoxious and pretentious presentation of this poem I've heard.

  • @user-vs8lr5qj2u
    @user-vs8lr5qj2u 24 дні тому

    What came to my mind after watching this film; is the price of greed and taking advantage of wealth they have been inherited, or something which made them arrogant severely. But that silver spoon doesn't last forever and someday what they took advantage of will run out, like the last part where they fall eternally. As a human I had to starve many times, and though they are actors this short film ticked me off a great deal. No offence to everybody involved in the video.

  • @trackah123
    @trackah123 26 днів тому

    I think this is how the Rothschilds and Illuminati use the elevator 🏢

  • @user-sj6ut2im2g
    @user-sj6ut2im2g 27 днів тому

    I'm hungry

  • @daybreaker1539
    @daybreaker1539 28 днів тому


  • @hotf1ght3r93
    @hotf1ght3r93 28 днів тому

    J'imagine que la morale de l'histoire est que certaines personnes vous nourissent seulement pour vous voir chutter.

  • @yourmajesty4770
    @yourmajesty4770 Місяць тому

    The point is, people never enough...they are so greedy

  • @trishazechel8402
    @trishazechel8402 Місяць тому

    The pit of hell has no ending for those who are gluttony people.

  • @damnyourpasswords
    @damnyourpasswords Місяць тому

    Marco Ferreri with CGI La Grande Buffe

  • @ssknsfj2103
    @ssknsfj2103 Місяць тому

    to me, this short film is about those elites doing the most cruel overcompsumption. yeah, i'll say this: go vegan. why? let me explain. as we see, there's meat everywhere, and this meat is from the most "unusual for my nuggets and meat salad" animals. deer, lion, gazelle, antelope, rhinoceros meat, seafood meat... pretty much disturbing, eh? but that's the thing y'all eat every day. that's the thing animals such as cows, chickens and goats go through every day to be in your burger. that's pretty much it. and about those wealthy people doing their "wealthy" stuff... i mean, we all have seen life of those crazy-rich people. riding horses, shooting animals for fun, eating the WILDEST and the most disgusting animal food ever(let's forget that eating corpses(animals) is disgusting in general, some meat lovers can get sensitive about it). for what? for showing their status. the woman on 3:55 looks up just to see how far they all have come. for what? to continue that madness. and that "we can cuz we're wealthy and y'all won't understand this cuz y'all are poor". that's being said, go vegan and don't be like those.

  • @patriklindholm7576
    @patriklindholm7576 Місяць тому

    The Fall 🤣

  • @mdsf01
    @mdsf01 Місяць тому

    Denis Villeneuve's remake of the Monty Python skit, Mr Creosote, from The Meaning of Life.... It's just a wafer.... :D

  • @fohtheim9864
    @fohtheim9864 Місяць тому

    I went to my white gf's house for thanksgiving and this was virtually a shot for shot remake

  • @CrooksCreed
    @CrooksCreed Місяць тому

    The God of greed at work

  • @Drone_PilotSG
    @Drone_PilotSG Місяць тому

    This movie depicts the world that is degenerating into chaos and misery but everyone is so blinded feasting and eating that even their own table guest who die are not acknowledged

  • @glennbond8266
    @glennbond8266 Місяць тому

    Interesting. Never knew he directed this.

  • @sametucar9544
    @sametucar9544 Місяць тому

    wow. what a short film.

  • @user-dw3bb6eb7x
    @user-dw3bb6eb7x Місяць тому

    왜이렇게 웃긴지 계속웃으면서봤다

  • @eternalsunshine1651
    @eternalsunshine1651 Місяць тому

    Imagine a select group of greedy bankers who do nothing but gorge themselves off a country's wealth, robbing the currency itself with a rabid fervor, until the country defaults, and and the entire financial system collapses. This video depicts this beautifully: the eaters are this group of bankers, the table is their usury system, the floor is the debt service cost balance, and the servers are the citizens of the countries.

  • @DasBleu
    @DasBleu Місяць тому

    'My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy' but with people actually eating the food and more douchebags and no ballerinas to offset the barbarians. Oh, and not to mention Buñuel's 1972 comedy-drama 'The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie.' Gotta love film, man!

  • @jeffreymcdaniel6813
    @jeffreymcdaniel6813 Місяць тому

    I am traveling to Montreal twice this summer. I look forward to the tour! I have also researched the subject of Black businesses in Montreal and will be patronizing those, too! I am super excited.

  • @Weloveyou.33
    @Weloveyou.33 Місяць тому

    What happened if they go down?

  • @jpsusantio
    @jpsusantio Місяць тому

    Caseoh movie

  • @litaramjatan1364
    @litaramjatan1364 Місяць тому

    LijktHet leukste zou zijn ..als ze uieindelijk in een dierentuin belandde ..MET DE DAAR LEVENDE ROOFDIEREN..JAMMY JAMMM..EN HUN NU VOOR EEN KEER OPVRATEN..EVEN ANDERSOM😘

  • @salahuddinnurrahman8139
    @salahuddinnurrahman8139 Місяць тому

    Environmental damage ultimately destroys itself

  • @explorerelka
    @explorerelka Місяць тому

    Villeneuve has such a unique take on an often staged scenario and commentary in cinema. His execution is perfectly orchestrated. Truly cinematic for not a word is uttered. I will go and see Dune on the big screen for sure now.

  • @user-jv3gf3em5b
    @user-jv3gf3em5b Місяць тому

    The world 🌍🌎,as we know it 😅😂😢

  • @1slandB0y77
    @1slandB0y77 Місяць тому

    I don't know why the French always make such weird films... 🤔😛

  • @EntertainingRunner-vd3bn
    @EntertainingRunner-vd3bn Місяць тому

    HOLY FUCK I realized the different interpretations of this. - Greed of the rich leading to their down fall. - Gluttony leads to Hell - The hungry serve the over fed, and they work for it, endlessly - The Devil sucessfully tempting humans into Greed - The social pressures to conform in Greedy high society (high society in general) - Social Pressures to fit in to unhealthy habits - Consumerism Culture - Greed leads to any society's downfall in general - Consumerism and greed leads to Quantity over Quality. - Exploitation of Earth/ Animals also People and labor Fell free to add your interpretations :)

  • @chuckthebull
    @chuckthebull Місяць тому

    I thought they are going to stop when they reached hell! HA! great short film

  • @BucketHeadianHagg
    @BucketHeadianHagg Місяць тому

    This was so fekking disturbing! (Gluttony)

  • @fyodorchrome
    @fyodorchrome Місяць тому

    goddamn Stella Artois ads referencing this film💀

  • @jean-baptistejacquenet-poi2991
    @jean-baptistejacquenet-poi2991 Місяць тому

    Ce ne serait pas une histoire purement fiscale son affaire ?

  • @drjules888
    @drjules888 Місяць тому

    And because of their sins of gluttony, they went all the way to Hell.

    • @EntertainingRunner-vd3bn
      @EntertainingRunner-vd3bn Місяць тому

      Dang I thought of that but for some reason I thought they were going to die of heart attack before falling.

  • @tokotalk-pf7kh
    @tokotalk-pf7kh Місяць тому

    This great short film explains that elites are consumed by greed and terror of their own making and goodbye to artificial terror ☕

  • @TravellerdeLux
    @TravellerdeLux Місяць тому

    definitely inspired by Pasolini's Salò

  • @marisolkramm275
    @marisolkramm275 Місяць тому

    "En la tierra hay suficiente para satisfacer las necesidades de todos, pero no tanto como para satisfacer la avaricia de algunos pocos" M. Gandhi.

  • @Camalonious
    @Camalonious Місяць тому

    I stuffed my face with Chilli Heatwave Doritos while I watched this.